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Minggu, 11 November 2018

This video listening about around you!!!

click here!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cC2vxmBDAG8

You will hear short conversations between 2 people. At the end of each conversation, you will listen to questions related to the speaker conversation content.

There are no repetitions of questions and conversations. After you hear the question, read the 4 answer choices and choose the answer that fits the choice that you think is right.

Listen to a conversation about finding a new apartment.
Pria: “Hey, I heard you’re looking for a different apartment.”
Wanita: “Yeah, the place I’m in now is a real dump.”
Pria: “It looked okay when I was there.”
Wanita: “Oh, the boiler keeps breaking and when it does, we lose the heat for several days at a time.”
Pria: “Why doesn’t the owner replace it?”
Wanita: “Well, she says it’s cheaper to keep fixing it. She’s a nice enough person; just sort of stingy. In any case, I’m sick of being cold.”
Pria: “Can you get your deposit back if you move?”
Wanita: “If I give two months notice, I can get the whole thing back.”
Pria: “So, what kind of place are you looking for?”
Wanita: “I think I’ll try to get into one of those high rises near university. They’re nothing really special, but at least they’re new and functional.”
Pria: “I’ve heard that those buildings are pretty noisy. The walls are thin and you can hear everything going on in the other apartments.”
Wanita: “Oh, that’ll never do. I need some place quiet to finish my thesis. I guess I’ll have to look at some more ads. Maybe new isn’t necessarily better.”
Pria: “Why don’t you try some of those apartments in Windsor? They’re supposed to be nice.”
Wanita: “Aren’t they awfully expensive?”
Pria: “Not really. You’d be surprised at how reasonable some of them are. The problem with being out there is that the bus doesn’t run out that way.”
Wanita : “That’d definitely be a problem. I can’t afford a car right now. I guess I’d better check a few places here in the city before I make a decision.”

2 komentar:

  1. Assalamu'alaikum, NOvia. Nice job. some suggestion that you should consider such as: make wider the front page of your blog; shorten your postings by using "read more" and it has description at least 1 paragraph; do put the link address on your posting and I wait your posting about books and other assignment...

  2. Thank you for the suggestion, sir. Insyaallah, I will improve for the next post
